prepared: adj.1.有准备的,准备好的。2.精制的,特别处理过的。短语和例子prepared position 【军事】既设阵地。adv.-ly
prepare: vt.1.准备,预备;筹备;布置;备办;温习(功课)。2.锻炼(身体等);训练。3.编写;配备,装备(旅行团、军队等)。4.配制,制造(药等),调制。5.使有准备,使作准备。6.作出,制订。7.【音乐】调(音)。 短语和例子prepare lessons 准备功课。 prepare a boy for an examination 叫孩子准备考试。 prepare a pr
Myrrh was used to prepare the body of jesus for his tomb 没药是为耶稣的身体进入坟墓而设的。
D . develop the respiratory and cardiovascular system . this prepares the body to be able to perform work loads over periods of time and aids in recovery 提升呼吸系统与心血管系统.为身体的承受与恢复能力作好准备